Yukon Comp Plan

Johnson & Associates was hired to complete a new comprehensive plan for the City of Yukon. This project started in September of 2018 and included public meetings and a new vision for Yukon. The City of Yukon is fairly unique in Oklahoma because they are landlocked by the City of Oklahoma City and their community consists of approximately 50% flood plain. This presented challenges and opportunities for the project team.

Municipal boundaries of the City of Yukon

Create a new comprehensive plan that reflects the needs of Yukon’s community going into the future.

A completely new comprehensive plan was created through research, surveys, public meetings, and analysis of demographics, land use, transportation systems, housing, parks, public facilities and infrastructure.

Johnson & Associates created a plan document that outlines a vision for Yukon’s future and provides a guide for decisionmakers, residents and property owners.

Johnson & Associates worked collaboratively with ADG, the City of Yukon, and Triad Engineering to develop a future land use plan that meets the community’s goals of continued growth, more recreation and employment opportunities.